Job Detail |

Freiwilliges Praktikum

Berlin, Germany

  Ihre Aufgaben:

  • Sie unterstützen in der Projektkommunikation und Koordination.
  • Sie unterstützen in der Erstellung von statischen Berechnungen.
  • Sie lernen unterschiedliche Leistungsphasen und Unterlagen kennen und diese zu lesen.
  • Sie trainieren Ihre interkulturelle Kompetenz durch die Zusammenarbeit im internationalen Team.

Ihr Profil:

  • Sie sind motiviert, arbeiten selbstständig, zielstrebig und konzentriert.
  • Sie haben gute bis sehr gute Studienergebnisse, insbesondere in den Fächern Statik und Massivbau.
  • Sie sind teamfähig und verfügen über ein hohes Maß an interkultureller Kompetenz.
  • Verhandlungssichere Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift.
  • Erste Erfahrung mit CAD / BIM Software oder Statik Software ist ein Vorteil.
  • Interesse an der Arbeit in einem internationalen Team.





With offices in four different countries you will find people from different backgrounds, who value the opportunity to learn from each other.



Chances are you already heard or even been in buildings that gbc engineer co-planned. Stuttgart 21, Four Frankfurt or JMO2 EU Commission building just to name a few.



You may start your career at gbc engineers as intern in Berlin and at one point find yourself as project manager in Ho Chi Minh City.



Language courses, management training and internal BIM workshops. gbc engineers belongs to the most modern structural planning offices in Germany and we work hard to keep it that way by offering various training opportunities to our staff.

Additional benefits for this position

  • Spannende Projekte: Unsere Teams realisieren beeindruckende Großprojekte im Bauingenieurwesen, die uns mit Stolz erfüllen.
  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten: Mit flexiblen Arbeitszeiten und einem Gleitzeitkonto gestalten wir gemeinsam ihre optimale Arbeitsumgebung.
  • Attraktive Mitarbeitervorteile: exklusive Angebote über Corporate Benefits.
  • Eine sichere berufliche Perspektive mit exzellenten Zukunftsaussichten in einem modernen, zentral gelegenen Arbeitsumfeld.
  • Sie haben Zugang zu unserem internen Learning Management System.
  • Austauschmöglichkeiten zu unseren Auslandsniederlassungen, z.B. in Südostasien im Rahmen der Werkstudententätigkeit oder eines Praktikums.

About gbc engineers

gbc engineers is an owner-operated, multi-disciplinary German engineering firm present in Europe and Asia.


International offices


Reliable employees


Projects worldwide


Construction drawings


Become part of the team

Odoo • Text and Image
"We have not just reached our goals, but we have exceeded them. This result is thanks to the hard work everyone has put in individually."

Adrian Grabara
Co-Founder and Managing Director
Odoo • Text and Image
"Hiring the right people and developing them is our most important task. They make all the difference in the end."

Daniel Bacon
Co-Founder and Managing Director
Odoo • Text and Image
"In case of doubt, project managers were always available to support, and questions never went unanswered."

Katharina P.
Structural engineering intern

Odoo • Text and Image
"At gbc engineers, the optimized planning process has highest priority. Our precious time can therefore be utilized much more efficiently."

Benny Hillers
Branch manager Berlin

Odoo • Text and Image
"All colleagues are super nice. I was welcomed very openly and the working atmosphere was always relaxed but still professional."

Johannes Winter
Project manager
Odoo • Text and Image
"What I like the most about the company is our approach to project management and implementation procedures. We get our job done in the most efficient way."

Sang Bui
BIM Team Leader

This is what we do

gbc engineers implements almost all projects with the BIM design method. This ensures that all the project information is in one place, providing better collaboration and communication between all design parties, enhanced cost control, project visualization and improved clash detection.